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您的位置:首頁» 產品常識» 硬質合金廠家分享-哪種硬質合金更耐磨?



硬質合金廠家分享-哪種硬質合金更耐磨:鎢鋼的顆粒越小,硬度越高,就越耐磨。The smaller the particle size of tungsten steel, the higher the hardness, the more wear-resistant it is.

主要是看使用條件了,最耐磨的硬質合金材料可能脆性更大,所以也不一定能用。Mainly depends on the use conditions, the most wear-resistant cemented carbide materials may be more brittle, so it is not necessarily able to use.

硬質合金根據硬度韌性又分為多個型號、如yg8yg15等、型號不對對使用壽命很大影響、你們家用的可能是高速鋼(峰鋼)里邊含一點鎢成分但不是鎢鋼。Cemented carbides can be divided into several types according to their hardness and toughness, such as yg8, yg15, etc. The type does not have a great impact on the service life. It is possible for your family to use high-speed steel (peak steel) which contains a little tungsten but not tungsten steel.



Cemented carbide is sintered by powder metallurgy process with tungsten carbide as the main body and cobalt or other bonded metals. Its tungsten content is generally over 80%.

Tungsten steel is a kind of cemented carbide. Tungsten steel is melted by adding ferrotungsten to molten steel in steelmaking process as tungsten raw material, also known as high-speed steel or tool steel, whose tungsten content is generally 15-25%.

硬質合金耐磨與否是因其晶粒度和含鈷量來決定的,晶粒度越細,含鈷量越低則硬度越高, 反之則硬度越低, 應該提到的是選擇耐磨的硬質合金不能只看硬度, 要看其用途的要求, 一般切削用硬質合金建議用YW2材質的, 硬度比較高, 但如果工作條件沖擊操作比較頻繁的話, 那就要考慮到其韌性, 但韌性和硬度本身就是互相抵觸的 這樣的情況下可以考慮選擇YG類細晶粒的合金。Wear resistance of cemented carbide is determined by its grain size and cobalt content. The finer the grain size, the lower the cobalt content, the higher the hardness. On the contrary, the lower the hardness. It should be mentioned that the choice of wear-resistant cemented carbide should not only depend on the hardness, but also on the requirements of its use. It is relatively high, but if the impact operation is frequent under working conditions, the toughness should be taken into account, but the toughness and hardness are in conflict with each other. In this case, the YG type fine grained alloy can be considered.



As for which kind of cemented carbide is the most wear-resistant, in fact, it mainly depends on the use conditions. The most wear-resistant cemented carbide material may be more brittle, so it is not necessarily used. Under the same conditions, generally speaking, the smaller the particle size of tungsten steel, the higher the hardness, the more wear-resistant it is. If some materials are chosen, such as domestic materials:

YG3 > YG6 > YG8 > YG15 > YG20. The imported materials are divided into V series, K series and so on.




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